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Carol M. Smith, MACE, PhD, LPC, NCC


La dott.ssa Smith è una consulente professionale autorizzata dal consiglio di amministrazione e professore di consulenza presso la Marshall University in West Virginia, dove ha co-fondato e coordina il certificato di studi avanzati su violenza, perdita e trauma. È stata una Counselor Educator dal 2002. È stata Presidente della West Virginia Counseling Association e dal 2010 nel Leadership Team dell'American Counseling Association Traumatology Interest Network. Ha studiato trauma dal 1982. Ha pubblicato e presentato a livello nazionale e internazionale sullo stress traumatico e sulla salute mentale da disastri dal 1998. Ha fornito consulenza al Senato degli Stati Uniti sugli aspetti di salute mentale della crisi degli oppioidi in West Virginia, ha sostenuto consulenti professionali a livello statale e nazionale e presta servizio in diversi comitati statali che si occupano di Esperienze infantili avverse, tutela dei minori e scuole informate sui traumi. I suoi interessi di ricerca includono l'etica biomedica, i problemi di fine vita, i substrati neurali dello stress traumatico e della resilienza e la creazione di significato esistenziale nel contesto delle diagnosi limitanti la vita.

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Presidente eletto

Il dottor Mayfield è un consulente clinico professionista autorizzato, diplomato e specialista in salute clinica in consulenza per bambini e adolescenti, famiglia e traumi. Ha quasi 20 anni di esperienza nell'insegnamento. È segretaria dell'Associazione per la consulenza per bambini e adolescenti, è stata nominata membro del Comitato internazionale dell'ACA, fa parte del team di leadership dell'ACA Traumatology Interest Network dal 2011 ed è Past-President dell'Association for Child and Adolescent Counseling in Illinois. Fa parte del Consiglio di amministrazione per la prevenzione degli abusi sui minori in Illinois. I suoi interessi di ricerca includono il rafforzamento delle capacità / resilienza / grinta; l'epistemologia della prevenzione (abuso, abbandono, violenza); epigenetica; l'intersezione tra trauma e salute pubblica; e l'integrazione delle arti espressive e delle modalità di gioco per affrontare le conseguenze del trauma. Ha presentato la sua ricerca attraverso sedi nazionali e internazionali (Italia, Spagna, Irlanda, Inghilterra, Nuova Scozia, Montreal), è stata relatrice e consulente su invito per numerose organizzazioni ed è un NBCC Minority Fellow Mentor.

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Lisa Lopez Levers, PhD, PCC-S, LPC, CRC, NCC

Fiduciario fondatore

Il Dr. López Levers è professore di Counselor Education and Human Development presso la Duquesne University in Pennsylvania. Ha 46 anni di esperienza nel trattamento di consulenza e 31 anni come consulente educatore. È redattrice di Trauma Counseling: Theories and Interventions e sta attualmente lavorando alla sua seconda edizione. È stata coinvolta in attività di sensibilizzazione urbana e rurale in Spagna, Australia, Russia e in numerosi paesi dell'Africa subsahariana. Il dottor López Levers sottolinea la guarigione dal trauma, l'effetto della violenza sullo sviluppo del bambino, la riabilitazione psichiatrica e l'abuso di sostanze. Ha sviluppato numerosi programmi e sistemi di cura per adulti con gravi disabilità psichiatriche e per bambini con gravi disturbi emotivi. Ha presieduto 48 dissertazioni ed è stata membro del comitato su altre 30 dissertazioni. Ha 17 articoli referenziati, 8 libri e 48 capitoli di libri, 50 presentazioni nazionali, 81 presentazioni internazionali.


Jane M. Webber, PhD, LPC

Editore dell'International Journal for Resilience and Trauma Counseling e Parlimentarian

Il Dr. Webber è membro dell'ACA dal 1970 e ha servito praticamente in ogni comitato e divisione rappresentati in ACA, inclusa la Fondazione ACA. È stata inserita come ACA Fellow nel 2018. È stata tra i primi membri del Traumatology Interest Network dopo l'11 settembre 2001 ed è stata praticante di traumi da oltre quarant'anni. È assistente professore di consulenza presso la Kean University nel New Jersey, dove coordina il primo programma di dottorato incentrato sul trauma del paese in consulenza traumatica. I suoi interessi di ricerca includono la consulenza sui traumi, la salute mentale in caso di disastri, il vassoio di sabbia e la terapia del gioco filiale, la supervisione clinica e la consulenza nelle scuole. Nel 2017 è stata curatrice di una sezione speciale di undici articoli sulla traumatologia nel Journal of Counseling and Development. È co-editrice della quarta edizione di Disaster Mental Health Counseling: A Guide to Preparing and Responding, pubblicato dalla ACA Foundation. Ha conseguito la Certificazione del New Jersey Disaster Response Crisis Counselor (il primo stato a fornire tale certificazione negli Stati Uniti) ed è stata determinante nell'aggiunta del trauma come tema trasversale negli standard di accreditamento CACREP 2009. Ha presentato a livello nazionale e internazionale oltre 250 volte.


Debra Ainbinder, PhD, LPC, BCPC, NCC, ACS


Il Dr. Ainbinder è Professore di Counseling e Associate Dean presso la Lynn University in Florida con una specializzazione in matrimonio e consulenza familiare, utilizzando un modello di sviluppo professionale di scienziato / professionista. È stata Co-Principle Investigator per due studi di ricerca incentrati sulla prevenzione. È attiva nel campo della consulenza dal 1985, inclusi studi privati e strutture di agenzia. I suoi interessi di ricerca includono interventi dei genitori per ridurre l'uso di alcol e le relative conseguenze, e programmi comunitari per la prevenzione dell'overdose da narcotici. Attualmente sta lavorando a un piano di miglioramento della qualità presso la Lynn University per integrare la ricerca locale e globale relativa alle funzioni del benessere, in particolare la resilienza.


Dr. Joshua Kreimeyer

Founding Governing Council Representative--July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2025


Dr. Kreimeyer graduated from Mankato State University (the “big town” from the show Little House on the Prairie) with a BS in Recreation. From there he enlisted in the US Army as a Cryptologic Linguist. He and his family served in California, Texas, and Germany with side excursions for him to Kosovo (2000) and Iraq (2003). After the military, he transitioned into the field of Counseling (MAC, 2007). He also obtained a post-graduate certificate in Marriage and Family Therapy (Regis, 2011). He has worked in community-based outpatient clinics, private practice, a residential drug and alcohol program within the US Bureau of Prisons, as a Family Therapist within the VA, and several years as a Clinical Supervisor. Dr. Kreimeyer has taught for Regis University since 2012 and is Coordinator of the Counseling Military Families Certificate. He holds a Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision through Regent University. Through his studies at Regent University, Dr. Kreimeyer has participated in groundbreaking efforts to bring the field of trauma-informed counseling to mental health providers in the war-torn country of Ukraine. His team helped to build the charter MA Counseling (IRCEP) program there, and they have recently been asked to help replicate this work in the region. He has also served recently as a contractor with the United Nations International Office for Migration to help train mental health workers there in trauma-informed care and also provide experiential retreats for Ukrainian military families.


Melinda Paige, PhD, LPC, CPCS, NCC,


La dott.ssa Paige è un consulente professionale autorizzato dal consiglio di amministrazione con oltre vent'anni di esperienza clinica al servizio dei sopravvissuti a traumi e fornisce formazione e consulenza sulla salute mentale traumatizzata. È la fondatrice dell'Institute for Trauma Competency. È Counselor Educator presso la Southern New Hampshire University ed esperta in materia per i curricula sull'impatto del trauma e sulla consulenza. Ha ricevuto il premio Chi Sigma Iota International Outstanding Practitioner nel 2014, l'American Counseling Association Professional Development Award nel 2018 e il Chi Sigma Iota International Outstanding Faculty Award nel 2018. Il Dr. Paige ha pubblicato e presentato a livello nazionale sulla competenza trauma, e fattori protettivi per traumi indiretti e autolesionismo.

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Jordan Mann, BA

Rappresentante degli studenti del Master

Jordan Mann, BA, è una studentessa laureata che segue il suo master in Clinical Mental Health Counseling presso la Chicago School of Professional Psychology. Jordan ha una laurea in psicologia, con un minore in lingua dei segni americana presso l'Università della Florida settentrionale. Jordan ha presentato alla conferenza dell'Association for Creativity in Counseling (ACC) a dicembre 2019 e settembre 2020 sui temi del trauma, della resilienza e degli interventi online di supporto con giovani e adolescenti. Jordan è il rappresentante degli studenti nel comitato di pianificazione della conferenza ACC e per la conferenza virtuale annuale per la Chicago School of Professional Psychology. Jordan è il co-editore della newsletter ACAC. La Giordania sta lavorando a stretto contatto con l'ACAC per aiutare a sviluppare una filiale dell'ACAC nel suo stato d'origine, il Nevada. Continua a scrivere newsletter, è presente a conferenze ed è in procinto di collaborare ad articoli di riviste. Jordan è il vicepresidente della sua società d'onore del capitolo online, Theta Chi Sigma. Assumerà il ruolo di presidente e ricoprirà quel ruolo più avanti quest'anno nel 2022. Jordan ha iniziato a lavorare come assistente laureata per la prima volta nella primavera del 2020 e continua ad assistere i suoi coetanei. I suoi interessi includono traumi, divorzi ad alto conflitto, disturbi d'ansia, dipendenza e disturbo ossessivo-compulsivo (tutti all'interno della popolazione di giovani e adolescenti).

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Kareem McKensie, MA

Rappresentante degli studenti di dottorato

Kareem è uno studente di dottorato nel programma Trauma Doctor of Philosophy presso la Kean University, dove ha presentato numerose volte sugli effetti del trauma su adolescenti e adulti. È un leader della comunità e fautore di politiche pubbliche informate sui traumi e comunità resilienti. È membro della New Jersey Counseling Association e intende diventare un professore di consulenza e un sostenitore per migliorare la vita delle famiglie lavoratrici in tutto il New Jersey e oltre.


Janina Fisher, PhD, LCP

Fiduciario fondatore

Janina Fisher, PhD, è una psicologa clinica autorizzata e istruttrice presso il Trauma Center, una clinica ambulatoriale e un centro di ricerca fondato da Bessel van der Kolk. Nota per la sua esperienza sia come terapista che come consulente, è anche Past President della New England Society for the Treatment of Trauma and Dissociation, un EMDR International Association Credit Provider, un membro di facoltà del Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute ed un ex istruttore presso la Harvard Medical School. L'autore di tre libri e innumerevoli articoli sullo stress traumatico, il dottor Fisher tiene conferenze e insegna a livello nazionale e internazionale su argomenti relativi all'integrazione tra ricerca e trattamento e su come introdurre questi nuovi paradigmi di trattamento del trauma negli approcci terapeutici tradizionali.


Michael Dubi, EdD, LMHC, NCC

Fiduciario fondatore

Mike Dubi, EdD, LMHC, NCC Dr. Dubi è fondatore, presidente e CEO della International Association of Trauma Professionals ed editore della TraumaPro Newsletter con una tiratura di oltre 65.000 copie. È professore associato di Counselor Education presso la Argosy University / Sarasota dal 1997. Ha oltre 50 anni di pratica clinica in Florida ed è un supervisore qualificato. È certificato in terapia cognitiva comportamentale, ipnosi, EMDR e Brainspotting. È anche un esperto certificato dal consiglio di amministrazione in stress traumatico, un professionista certificato in trauma, uno specialista in trauma certificato, certificato in gestione dello stress traumatico acuto, certificato in Compassion Fatigue e certificato in Disaster Mental Health. Ha pubblicato diversi capitoli di libri e una varietà di articoli su traumi, terapie energetiche, concettualizzazione dei casi e supervisione.


Martin Jencius, PhD

Fiduciario fondatore

Il Dr. Jencius è Professore Associato di Counseling presso la Kent State University in Ohio, con oltre 23 anni di esperienza come Counselor Educator. Ha 16 anni di esperienza come consulente professionale ed è fondatore e gestore di CESNET-L, un servizio di lista professionale per educatori consulenti. È co-editore fondatore del Journal of Technology in Counseling e fondatore / editore di, una serie di podcast per consulenti. Fa parte dei comitati editoriali di The International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling e Counselor Education and Supervision Journal. È co-editore di Elements of Supervision: Teaching, Reflections & Resources. È il redattore della sezione Couples Enrichment and Education di The Family Journal e scrive una rubrica mensile, The Digital Psyway, in Counseling Today, la pubblicazione mensile dell'American Counseling Association con oltre 50.000 membri. Ha presentato a livello nazionale e internazionale sulla formazione dei consulenti, la tecnologia nella consulenza e la supervisione dei consulenti. È Past President dell'Association of Counselor Educators and Supervisors (ACES) e sta servendo il suo secondo mandato triennale come Rappresentante del Consiglio Direttivo ACA per ACES.

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Dr. Daya Singh Sandhu, Founding Trustee--July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026

Founding  Chair, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice Committee

Dr. Daya Singh Sandhu, Ed.D., NCC, NCCC, NCSC, LPCC has been serving as the Director of Research and Professor in the doctoral program of Counselor Education and Supervision at the Lindsey Wilson College, Columbia, Kentucky since August 2014.  He was formerly a distinguished professor of research and chairman of the Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology at the University of Louisville.  Dr. Sandhu holds six graduate degrees including a Bachelor of Arts, a Bachelor of Teaching (B.T.), and an M.A. (English) from the Punjab University, Chandigarh, India.  In addition, he earned M.Ed., Specialist in English, and Doctor's Degree in Counselor Education and Supervision from the United States.

Dr. Sandhu has served the profession of counselor education and supervision and counseling psychology with distinction for more than 25 years. In addition to more than 50 refereed journal articles and 70 book chapters, Dr. Sandhu has authored or edited thirteen textbooks. Some of Dr. Sandhu's notable textbooks which significantly impacted and contributed to the field of professional counseling and psychotherapy literature include:

 Numerical problems in physics (Published in India by Royal Publishers, Punjab)

Satranghi Pingh, a collection of Punjabi poems. Punjabi Book Publishers, Jalandhar

Counseling for prejudice prevention and reduction

Empowering women for equity: A counseling approach

Multicultural competencies: A guidebook of practices

Counseling employees:  A multifaceted approach

Faces of violence: Psychological correlates, concepts, and intervention strategies

Elementary school counseling in the new millennium

Asian and Pacific Islander Americans: Issues and concerns for counseling and psychotherapy

A practical guide to classroom observations: A multidimensional approach

Violence in American schools: A practical guide for counselors

Multicultural counseling: Context, theory and practice and competence

Appalachian Americans: Issues and Concerns for Counseling and Psychotherapy (2020)

Sat Guru Nanak Pargatya: The Divine Light of Universal Truth and Love (2020)

Throughout his professional career, Dr. Sandhu has received several highly prestigious and distinguished awards including: Fulbright Senior Research Scholar Award (2002); Fulbright Senior Research Award (2010); and Fulbright Senior Research Scholar Award (2017);  AMCD Research Awards (twice); Multicultural Teaching Award; Chi Sigma Iota Research Award,  President's Distinguished Faculty Award for Outstanding Scholarship, Research and Creativity;  Mississippi State University Alumnus of the Year Award, and the Kentucky Counselor Educator of the Year Award twice (2001 & 2012).  In 2001 Sage published Dr. Sandhu's autobiographical account of 15 pages in the Handbook of Multiculural Counseling (2001) to recognize him as one of the pioneers of multicultural counseling and development.


On March 21, 2012, Dr. Sandhu was honored as a Fellow of the American Counseling Association at ACA Convention in San Francisco. He was also honored as the Diplomate, by the American Mental Health Counselors Association on July 20, 2012, in Orlando, Florida. Dr.  Sandhu also received one of the most coveted awards, the Arthur A. Hitchcock Distinguished Professional Service Award from the American Counseling Association on March 23 in Cincinnati. He was the sole recipient of this award from more than 58,000 professional members. He also received the Samuel H. Johnson Professional Service Award from the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development on March 23 at the ACA annual convention in Cincinnati. On April 22, 2013, Dr. Sandhu was also honored with Kentucky Counseling Ambassador Award by the Kentucky Mental Health Counseling Association.


The university-wide selection committee at the University of Louisville selected Dr. Daya Singh Sandhu to receive the 2013 President's Distinguished Career Achievement Faculty Award in Service. The Distinguished Faculty Service Awards are given annually to faculty who have made exceptional service contributions to the University of Louisville, their profession, the community or region, national or international service, and career of service. Dr. Sandhu received this prestigious, Lifetime Career Achievement Award on September 9, 2013, at the Celebration of Faculty Excellence. On August 23, 2013, the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES) has awarded Dr. Sandhu, Fulbright Senior Specialist Award.  Most recently, Dr. Daya Singh Sandhu received Senior Fulbright-Nehru Research Award for India on August 8, 2017.  This Fulbright Research Award is called the core or classic award and is considered the most prestigious award.   


Dr. Sandhu was honored as the Outstanding Counselor Educator from all the nationwide tenured counselor educators at the annual convention of the Association for Counselor Educators and Supervision held from October 16-20, 2013 in Denver, Colorado. On October 25, 2013, Kentucky Counseling Association honored Dr. Sandhu with its most prestigious, Kearny Campbell Memorial Award.  


Dr. Daya Sandhu received one of India's highly prestigious Hind Rattan Award on January 25, 2014, in New Delhi. The Hind Rattan (Hindi phrase translated to English as "Jewel of India") is one of the highest Indian diasporic awards granted annually to non-resident Indian citizens (NRIs) by the NRI Welfare Society of India, an organization under the umbrella of the Government of India. The award ceremony is attended by senior members of the Government of India and of the Supreme Court of India.


American Counseling Association honored Dr. Daya Singh Sandhu with the most prestigious, 2014 ACA Presidential Award, at the Annual Convention of ACA held in Honolulu, Hawaii from March 27-30, 2014. Dr. Sandhu's outstanding counseling career as a scholar, educator, and mentor was highlighted with much praise and adoration. The Kentucky Counseling Association initiated a new, “Dr. Daya Singh Sandhu Research and Creative Innovations in Counseling Award” on June 22, 2015, in recognition of Dr. Sandhu’s national and international contributions to the profession of counseling. Briefly, this award is designed to recognize and honor counselors within Kentucky Counseling Association who have conducted high-quality research or developed innovative programs. The results of these elite professionals’ work are of significance and interest to counselors as well as contribute to the expansion of the counseling profession and/or lead to new methods or services for clients.


Dr. Sandhu was honored as the Outstanding Counselor Educator from all the nationwide tenured counselor educators at the annual convention of the Association for Counselor Educators and Supervision held from October 16-20, 2013 in Denver, Colorado. On October 25, 2013, Kentucky Counseling Association honored Dr. Sandhu with its most prestigious, Kearny Campbell Memorial Award.  American Counseling Association honored Dr. Daya Singh Sandhu with the most prestigious, 2014 ACA Presidential Award, at the Annual Convention of ACA held in Honolulu, Hawaii from March 27-30, 2014. Dr. Sandhu's outstanding career as a scholar, educator, and mentor was highlighted with much praise and adoration.


The Kentucky Counseling Association initiated a new, “Dr. Daya Singh Sandhu Research and Creative Innovations in Counseling Award” on June 22, 2015, in recognition of Dr. Sandhu’s national and international contributions to the profession of counseling.  Briefly, this award is designed to recognize and honor counselors within Kentucky’s organizations that have conducted high-quality research or developed innovative programs.


On May 13, 2015, Dr. Daya Singh Sandhu was honored with a medal and Pravasi Rattan Award by the NRI Welfare Society of India at the Global Achievers Conclave held at Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. It was truly a great occasion to be honored with other distinguished NRI’s from all around the world who made significant and lasting contributions in numerous fields such as academia, medicine, business, law, and politics.  Dr. Sandhu was one of the twenty global achievers honored by 23 million persons of Indian origin living abroad. This award is bestowed upon a very few selected professionals for their efforts to build closer links among nations; promote social and humanitarian causes; devote their time and energies to initiatives meant for the welfare of the local communities and for their eminent or outstanding work in their chosen profession.


Dr. Daya Singh Sandhu, Professor and Director of Research, at the Lindsey Wilson College received the Global Achievers Award on October 25, 2018, at the Annual Conclave of Global Achievers held at the House of Commons, British Parliament, London, England.  The NRI Welfare Society of India conferred this award on Dr. Sandhu for his eminence and outstanding work in his professional field; philanthropic and charitable work in Punjab, India, and the welfare of the Sikh community in the United States. Dr. Sandhu was one of the 30 recipients selected from 31.5 million Non-Resident Indians living all around the world.  Dr. Sandhu also addressed the participants at the House of Commons, the British Parliament, London on the significance and challenges of globalization.


During his lengthy professional career of 35 years, Dr. Daya Singh Sandhu has made more than 250 professional presentations at the local, state, regional, national, and international levels. International presentations have taken Dr. Sandhu to almost 27 countries including, Canada, China, India, France, Greece, Jamaica, Philippines, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, to name a few.


Dr. Sandhu has served on several editorial boards including the Journal of Counseling & Development (the flagship Journal of the American Counseling Association), the Journal of Counseling and Values, Journal of Counselor Education and Supervision, Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, Professional School Counseling, International Journal of the Accelerating Learning and Teaching, Journal of Counseling Research and Practice, Psychological Reports, School Counselor, Journal of Adult Development and Aging, etc.  He also edited special issues of various national and international journals.  Some of these special issues included, School Violence for the Professional School Counseling; Asian and Pacific Islander Americans for the Journal of the Multicultural Counseling and Development; Suggestopedia and Neurolinguistic Programming and Learning Styles and Suggestopedia, these both special issues were published in the Journal for Accelerative Learning and Teaching

Since January 1986, when Dr. Sandhu joined the American Counseling Association (ACA), he has actively participated in the professional and leadership activities of this world renowned association of more than 58,000 professional members. He has served on ACA's Ethics Committee, Human Rights Committee, Research and Knowledge Committee, and International Committee several times. He also chaired ACA's Research and Knowledge Committee and International Committee twice.


It is worth noting that Dr. Sandhu served on CACREP Executive Board of Directors for five years (1996-2001). While on this board, he also participated actively in developing and revising standards for CACREP accreditation in general and Social and Cultural Diversity in particular. Presently, he is serving on CACREP's visitation team to evaluate interested universities' programs for much desired national recognition through CACREP accreditation.


Dr. Daya Singh Sandhu served as the national president of the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development (2009-2010), a national division of ACA, and started Association of Mental Health Counselors in India, AMHC (India). Since May 4, 2010, Dr. Daya Singh Sandhu has been serving Founding Executive Director of AMHC.


As the Chair of the International Committee of ACA, he has started ACA International Counseling Interest Network which is poised to become the newest and the 21st division of ACA. Currently, there are members of 487 ICIN and 1221 ICIN members are on Facebook. The International Counseling Interest Network (ICIN), proposed and launched by Dr. Daya Singh Sandhu is one of his major lifetime professional accomplishments to validate counseling as a major profession to address mental health challenges worldwide.

The internationalization of professional counseling is truly Dr. Sandhu's signature contribution to ameliorate psychological afflictions of humans throughout the world. Through his publications and cutting-edge research, Dr. Sandhu has become the cynosure of his colleagues and students. The sharp focus of Sandhu's research on the most current issues of social justice, human rights, diversity, equity, and empowerment of marginalized populations have made Dr. Sandhu a popular researcher and scholar. Dr. Sandhu's selection as a Fulbright Senior Research Scholar in 2002,  second time again as a Fulbright-Nehru Senior Research Scholar in 2010, and Senior Fulbright-Nehru Research Scholarship Award third time is a clear testimony of Dr. Sandhu's brilliant and illustrious career.  While receiving Senior Fulbright Research Scholarship Award even once is considered a matter of great pride, receiving it three times is amazing and rare among the scholars.  It is like winning the Triple Crown Trophy in Research and Scholarship.  


Dr. Sandhu's contributions to the field of counseling are solid and substantial. Not only in the United States but throughout the world, Dr. Daya Singh Sandhu has established himself as a leader, educator, researcher, and a scholar of a very high caliber. As evidenced through numerous awards, honors, prizes, and accolades, Dr. Sandhu's professional contributions are at par excellence.                      


Here are some observations made by eminent scholars from the fields of professional counseling and counseling psychology about Dr. Daya Singh Sandhu as a person and as a scholar. Dr. Charles Ridley, Dean for Research and the University Graduate School, Indiana University wrote about Dr. Sandhu: "Reading Dr. Sandhu's autobiographical account, "An eco-cultural analysis of agonies and ecstasies of my life in the Handbook of Multicultural Counseling brings to mind the words of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., "Never judge a man by the heights he has ascended, but by the depths from which he has come from."


Dr. Joseph G. Ponterotto, a worldwide leading authority in the area of multiculturalism and the senior editor of the Handbook of Multicultural Counseling (2001): "Impressively, despite challenges and traumas experienced throughout his life, we note in Dr. Sandhu's story a deep sustaining spiritual connection that has assisted him in maintaining a love of life and work. He appears to have found deep meaning in his life experiences that inform and guide his ground-breaking professional work, which includes classic books and journal articles on fighting racial prejudice, gender inequity, and youth violence. He is clearly a renaissance person, a multicultural person (p. 157).


Ponterotto, J.G., Casas, J.M., Suzuki, L.A., & Alexander, C.M. (2001).  Handbook of Multicultural Counseling (2nd ed.).  Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


On  May 11, 2019, Dr. Daya Singh Sandhu was appointed as the Senior Editor of an international journal called, Journal of the Underrepresented & Minority Progress (JUMP). The Society of Transnational Academic Research Scholars also honored Daya Singh Sandhu as the Fellow of the STAR Scholars Network

In addition to his scholarly activities as a Professor in the field of Counselor Education and Supervision, Dr. Daya Singh Sandhu has played a leading role in his community both in the United States and India. For instance, he is the Founding President of the Sikh Society of Kentucky since 2011.  With help from the Sikh community, he established the Sikh Gurudwara (Temple) in Louisville which opened its door on April 14, 2012, for religious services.  It was the very first Gurdwara ever opened in the State of Kentucky. 


At his native village Gandhran, Punjab, India, Dr. Daya Singh Sandhu and his wife, Usha Sandhu were invited on March 17, 2018 as Chief Guests to perform the opening ceremony of a village library and a small hospital called, Guru Nanak Dev Hospital for the free medical help for the people of their village.  All the people of the village enjoyed the refreshments on this occasion as they honored Dr. Sandhu with a memento calling him the most respected son of the village. The whole village and its panchayat, a governing body, thanked Dr. Daya Sandhu and his wife Usha Sandhu for their generosity and congratulated them for the completion of a much- needed library and the hospital. 


On September 1, 2021, Dr. Sandhu is appointed to serve on the Binational Board for Fulbright Award to review and recommend applicants for the Senior Fulbright Research Award.  Dr. Sandhu has been a Senior Fulbright Research Scholar three times (2002, 2010, 2018) to visit India and Nepal to complete his research projects.


Most recently, the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision has selected Dr. Daya Singh Sandhu as the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award for his solid and substantial contributions to the field of professional counseling. Dr. Sandhu will be honored on October 9, 2021, in Atlanta at the annual convention of the Association of Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES).

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Founding IARTC Trustee--July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2025

Lisa Vinson is a Counselor Educator, Clinical Counselor, consultant, professor, and trainer devoted to providing direct service to individuals experiencing PTSD, and alcohol and substance use issues across the lifespan. Lisa’s work experience has targeted ineffective behaviors, habits, and beliefs around education and mental health in African American communities. She served Chicago’s Southside and far Southside suburban areas for over 20 years with those who have been through severe life stressors. Lisa continues leading multidisciplinary care teams to assist individuals seeking healthy solutions for strengthening interpersonal relationships.


In August 2020, Lisa accepted the position of Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator for the Alcohol and Substance Abuse concentration at the University of Illinois - Springfield. Lisa’s education has advanced her teaching, research, leadership, and advocacy competencies. She prepares counselors-in-training who want to become university professors, clinical supervisors, or industry leaders. Lisa continues to find purpose and fulfillment in private practice with Great Lakes Psychology Group as a clinical counselor. Working with clients keeps her current on new evidence-based therapies and symptomology. She provides counseling with adults suffering from abuse, neglect, trauma, and behavioral difficulties while offering a path forward.

Lisa proudly serves her community. She was recently elected as Trustee for the International Association for Resilience and Trauma Counseling (IARTC), a proposed division of the American Counseling Association, beginning July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2025. In October 2021, she became an advisory board member for the Statewide Citizen’s Committee on Abuse and Neglect – SCCAN (325 ILCS 5/11.7) with a 3-year appointment ending June 30, 2025.


She is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, a Certified Alcohol and Other Drug Counselor, a Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Disorder Professional-Level I, a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional-Level II, a Certified Complex Trauma Professional-Level I, and an Approved Clinical Supervisor. Lisa also conducts seminars and workshops on various research topics on racial/ethnic identity and trauma-informed care. Lisa has begun to foster new professional collaborations in Springfield, Illinois to support under-served populations.


Lisa Vinson holds a Master of Arts degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Chicago State University. Ms. Vinson will complete her Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision from Northern Illinois University with a defense date of April 2022.

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Misty Hatch, MA, LMHC-A (IL, IN), NCC

Founding IARTC Trustee--July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2025


Misty Hatch is a graduate of Valparaiso University where she received her Masters of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. She is a Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC) and is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor Associate (LMHC-A) in Indiana and Illinois. Misty is currently a doctoral student at the University of Holy Cross and will be undergoing EMDR training in March. She is also a certified yoga instructor (RYT-200) through Yoga Alliance and has taught vinyasa and trauma-informed yoga for the last 6 years.


Misty has clinical experience in various settings and populations, including, incarcerated adults, crisis intervention, structured outpatient substance use programs, and nonprofits. In her practice, Misty uses a diverse approach when working with her clients, often pulling from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Solution-Focused Therapy, Mindfulness, and trauma-informed modalities.


Misty’s clinical interests/focus areas include adults with substance use disorder, suicidal ideation, anxiety, trauma, and grief.

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